Proverbs 25:12 “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver”
We have all been there at one time or another. The struggles and hassles of every day life can leave us discouraged. We feel without direction at best, hopeless at worst. How easy it is, even as a believer, to lose sight of life’s Godintended meaning. But when we are troubled, an encouraging message from a friend can lift our spirits.
We live in a world of spiritual darkness and pain. The frustrations of living are often more than people can bear. We can add to the noise and disappointments of life, leaving the hurting or discouraged in even greater pain than they were before we touched their lives. Or we can allow the love of Christ to shine through us as to encourage, refresh, and illuminate the way for others when they are convinced that all is hopeless.
People need meaning and hope. Christ came to provide these things, not to add to their despair and hopelessness. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Christians can be like springs of water in a dry land. We can do this simply by speaking the right word at the proper time. We cannot afford to wait until all is perfect in our lives before we begin encouraging others. Why not start today.
Lets use our words to bring peace, healing and hope to those we meet.
In Christ love,
Pastor Gary